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Chinese Calligraphy Brings Blessings to All - International Education College Held Chinese New Year Calligraphy Activity for International Students


In order to promote Chinese traditional culture, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of international students during the holidays, and create a festive, auspicious, warm and harmonious atmosphere for the Chinese New Year, International Education College, in cooperation with the University Labor Union and the University Calligraphy Association, organised a Chinese New Year Calligraphy Activity for International Students in the lobby of Dorm Building 19 recently. Liu Zhongqiu, President of the University Labor Union, Cui Qiaoli, President of the University Calligraphy Association and Lv Xiaoyan, Vice President of the Association, Guo Yanqiu, Deputy Secretary of the International Education College Party Branch, and international students' tutors led more than 30 international students to participate in this activity.

At the activity site, the fragrance of ink was overflowing. Accompanied by the festive music, the students watched the teachers splashing ink with great interest, and at the same time, they were eager to try their hand at writing. Under the careful guidance of the teachers, the international students mastered the basic posture of holding the brush and the simple skills of operating the brush. After continuous practice, the international students used the brushes to write the word "Fu" (blessing) with their own hands, expressing their good wishes for the upcoming Chinese New Year.

Lee Ju-yeong, an international student from South Korea said, "I am very interested in Chinese calligraphy, but I have never had the opportunity to learn it. Thanks for organising such an activity, I'm able to have a close exchange with the calligraphy teacher and experience the charm of Chinese calligraphy."

At the end of the activity, Liu Zhongqiu, President of the University Labor Union, presented the international students with couplets and “Fu”carefully written by the teachers of the Calligraphy Association, conveying to them the warm care of the university and the good wishes for the Chinese New Year.

The Chinese New Year Calligraphy Activity allowed international students to further feel the profound heritage and artistic charm of traditional Chinese culture, inspired them to learn more about Chinese culture, and added new materials for telling a good Chinese story.

